Kendrea is not only a friend, but also a co-worker. We both work for the Navy JAG on Naval Station Norfolk. We were chit chatting one day, and she mentioned about getting some updated family photos, since the last time they had photos done was before little man was around. We discussed about locations, and I mentioned Windsor Castle Park in Smithfield. She looked at some photos from other sessions that were held there and fell in love! So we set the date and crossed our fingers that the weather will cooperate for us (we all know how bi-polar Virginia weather can be!). Earlier in the week, the weather was being a pain in the butt, and we worried that it was going to be bad for the weekend.
Well, we lucked out. It rained like crazy on Saturday, but Sunday, was awesome. And when I arrived at Windsor Castle Park, I was surprised that there was NO ONE else there shooting sessions! It is really rare because Windsor Castle Park is a choice location by a lot of photographers in the area. Guess we just lucked out! I have to say, little man definitely made me work for some smiles throughout the session. In the first few frames, I swear he was giving me the "what do you want LADY" look. Kendrea even joked about how mean he initially is when he first meets someone new. But let me tell ya, by the end of the session, he was all about giving me hugs and posing for the camera!
Thank you Kendrea for allowing me to photograph you and your family!